There are a lot of standard backpacks for Minecraft, as the mods adding them are numerous. However, there are only a few of them that can be considered interesting, high-quality, and useful. But even they are, for the most part, far from reality, as the backpacks they contain feature a huge number of extra slots, a not particularly pleasant appearance, and the capacity of carrying pocket furnaces and various devices. So the doubt immediately arises as to whether these mods are faithful to the vanilla Minecraft.
We suggest you read our overview of a mod called Backpacked, which is among the best add-ons related to backpacks.
The first thing that catches one's eye is the visual side of the new content. It can boast a high quality level and pleasant color scheme but still does not load your system, does not focus on HD graphics, and harmoniously fits with the vanilla style of Minecraft.
Your backpack is seen not only by you when you press F5 and switch to the third-person view but also by other players. Moreover, the mod even implements a special mechanic in this regard, which should be taken into account: any player can steal something from your new backpack if they come up from behind. Of course, you will notice that, but you still need to be careful on servers with such mods, as other players will not mind stealing something valuable from you.
Note! You can disable this feature in a config file that comes with the Configured mod, but more on that later.
To create the new backpack, you will need to find six rabbit hides, two strings, and an iron ingot. You can see the crafting recipe in the screenshot below. However, you can also get this backpack at your disposal with the help of the JEI mod, provided you have the admin rights.
After you craft the backpack, you will need to open your inventory (E key) and put it in a separate slot also added by the Backpacked mod. That's it — you can see the result by pressing F5. But how to use the new backpack?
A separate button is added to the Controls menu of the Minecraft game settings: to activate the backpack, press the default B key. A special GUI will open, as in the screenshot below.
You will see nine storage cells and two buttons there, 'Customize' and 'Config Options'. Let us start with the first option.
Click 'Customize' to open the Customize Backpack menu. The salient feature of the Backpacked mod is the possibility of changing the model of the backpack. Thus, you will be able to replace it with a mini-chest or the classic version featured by older versions of this mod.
However, to change the backpack's model, you will have to perform certain tasks first; otherwise, access to the models will be locked. In the recent version of the mod, the tasks are as follows:
· Bamboo Basket. Feed 10 different pandas with bamboo.
· Honey Jar. Collect at least 20 honey bottles.
· Cardboard Box. Extract at least 1000 logs.
· End Crystal. Kill the Ender Dragon.
· Mini Chest. Find 5 unopened treasure chests.
· Trash Can. Convert plants and food in a composter 100 times.
· Sheep Plush. Shear 250 sheep.
· Piglin Pack. Explore all the Nether biomes.
· Rocket. Fly at least 50 km with elytra.
· Wandering Bag. Steal 2 different backpacks from wandering traders.
· Turtle Shell. Breed 20 turtles.
These are all the tasks with achievements available at the moment. It will be enough just to fulfill the conditions, and as soon as the progress bar in a particular tab is complete, you will be able to change the appearance of the backpack right in the game. Each model looks unique and is worked out in detail, so it's worth it.
There are several additional checkboxes in the Customize Backpack Menu:
· Show Enchantment Glint. If you select this option, the backpack will not cover the effects imposed on the player.
· Show With Elytra. When you put on the elytra, the backpack disappears from your back by default. However, you can enable its display by selecting this checkbox.
· Show Effects. All the other effects will be displayed around your character and over the backpack.
You should also keep in mind that when you wear armor, the new backpack fits not to the body but to the armor. But if you remove the latter, it will fit to the main character's back. This is an important point for fans of various design subtleties, and it is clear that the designer has taken into account many nuances, which makes his mod one of the best in its category.
Don't forget to click the 'Save' button at the bottom so that all the changes take effect when customizing the backpack.
The developer has not only worked on the appearance of the backpack but also created special shelves so that you can also admire your backpacks after putting them in a prominent place. Moreover, you will be able to see both the default model and the unlocked ones, provided you fulfill all the conditions.
It is not difficult to craft the shelves, as shown in the screenshots below. There are eight options made of almost all the wood types.
Let us now turn to the Config Options button. The designer of the Backpacked mod, well-known MrCrayfish, makes use of a separate add-on called Configured to provide additional settings. With its help, you can expand the number of slots, prohibit the use of the backpack by other players, even if they come from behind, and enable the preservation of all the belongings if the player dies.
These are all the functions featured by the Backpacked mod, and their list is very impressive for such a small add-on. You will not find a large selection of different storage means and the thorough adjustment of cells here because the designer has focused on creating a realistic backpack to bring survival in Minecraft closer to reality.
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