Mode Applied Energistic adds many new devices to the game and blocks that will improve the story and make it more fun.
There are two new types of ore, such as certus quartz ore, and сharged certus quartz ore. They are almost indistinguishable in appearance, but crystals in charged ore are brighter than regular ones. The charged ore of true quartz is less common than regular one. So you can create regular tools and a true quartz sword that have the same level of efficiency as iron items. In addition to the usual tools, the developer added to its pack such items as a wrench and a knife that gamers can create from a crystal of true quartz too. you can use a wrench to extract an energy cell that you will fall for unloaded in case you damage it with your axe.
After that, you will be able to create a pickaxe from ordinary quartz (a resource that is available for extraction in hell), as well as an axe, hoe, shovel, sword, wrench and knife, which have the same high strength and efficiency as iron tools. They have the same crafting process as regular tools.
Now, you can find meteors in this world that are made of sky stone. Inside each of these meteorites, there are a chest of sky stone in the middle of the stone, in which quality items are found. This chest is larger than regular one because it has a new row of cells. You can search and detect these meteors with meteor compass, but that’s only possible if it leads you to a place where there’s no meteor. This means that soon it will land on the planet precisely in this point.
Energy in this fashion in AE/t. For its extraction you need vibration chamber, In which electricity is generated by coal. Energy is needed to charge other devices. To create this camera, you need quartz glass, which are added mod.
To create quartz crystal, you need some dust of certus quartz ore, And you also need a quartz crusher for its prey. It works with a handle that you need to build too. You should put inside of crusher one certus quartz crystal. Then you should start spinning the handle, and after a while, you will see the dust of the certus quartz crystal. However, if you start spinning the handle without adding of the certus quartz crystal on the crusher, it will break.
There is another way to extract charged true quartz, which takes a long time though. With the infuser, and it works with a handle, and you can charge quartz, but it takes a very long time. You will use a variable crystal that you can create if you throw redstone, quartz and certus quartz crystal into the water.
The use of the handle is optional, so you can charge any device with ordinary energy. To do this, you should connect an energy source with a tool, using glass cable, which can be different colours.
After receiving the energy, you should redirect it to the energy cell, as the vibration chamber has little storage space. You should connect them with cable, to do this.
Some types of the craft use certus quartz crystal, or pure fluix crystal. For this purpose you need to create their seeds. This is possible by connecting sand and quartz dust. You should mix these seeds with water, and after a while they will multiply. Also, you can accelerate the growth process, and to do that you should use crystal growth accelerator, which you should recharge the energies with cable.
Also, you can create a very large chest that will consist of such "ingredients" as ME chest and storage cell. So you just need to add a storage cell to this chest and power it up. Storage cells come in different types and differ only in capacity.
ME terminal similar to ME chest on the principle of its usage. So you can store any items there because it functions by the same method and has the ME drive in its design, which allows gamers to put even more storage cells in it. It holds a maximum of ten cells. You can check whether your terminal is functioning — for this you need to check that it glows by the same colour as the cable that connects the components of the whole design.
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