Apocalypse Now - Post Apocalyptic Arsenal for Minecraft

  • Author: jpzamps
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 26.12.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Apocalypse Now - Post Apocalyptic Arsenal

Apocalypse Now

Surviving in an empty world with hordes of zombies who want to devour all living things that get in their way – a hard task. Taking care of your health, healing wounds, studying medicine, and cooking canned food by the fire, and always keeping in mind that enemies can be waiting for you behind every tree – an almost impossible task.

The Apocalypse Now mod offers you to try yourself as a survivalist in a world infected with a Zombie virus. Will you do it or just become another Zombie in the army of the living dead?

The mod doesn’t add new mobs, but only changes existing zombies and significantly increases their resiliency with armor and weapons. Now, zombies won’t burn in the sun, hit strongly, and don’t want to die after two axe blows.

Attention! For a comfortable game, you need to install the JEI mod


A variety of buildings are now generated all over the world, where you can find a lot of useful loot or trouble. These are mostly abandoned houses, shut and broken buildings like fire stations, libraries or hospitals, or supposedly new bunkers with basements, where the loot amount is comparable to the number of local evil mobs.

It’s not just necessary to study these dungeons – it’s vital. Because in the first stages of survival, they will be your only source of the most important resources, such as bandages, food, and initial weapons. You won’t be able to survive like in vanilla Minecraft, by just killing peaceful mobs – most likely all the surrounding sheep will be devoured by crowds of zombies that won’t invite you to join in.

Plus, you can dig deeper into safe rooms in these dungeons and wait out the night if hordes of enemies have pushed you far back.

Weapons and Armor

The number of weapons offered by the mod exceeds the hotbar strip. There is not just a lot of it here, but it’s just numerous – over 70 positions. But don’t expect anything very unusual; no one fights with artifact blades in the zombie apocalypse world. All weapons are more utilitarian, which you can craft on the nearest workbench from boards, sticks and a bit of iron if you want. These include bats, knives, golf clubs, and axes – in general, everything you can find in the common kitchen of any random house.

You can craft most of the offered weapons on a workbench. Some especially powerful weapons can only be found in the corresponding dungeons or knocked out of zombies. But in fact, the easiest way is to get all the available weapons by just steadily looting all the buildings that get in your way – their chests contain so much that it will last until the end of your survival.

Armor is also more than enough in mod. As it’s common for any American zombie movie, the mod adds a large number of baseball gear, as well as outfits for firefighters, scientists, soldiers, and even a couple of scuba gear, if you suddenly feel like putting an aquarium helmet on your head. However, most of them are rather weak armor, whose characteristics rarely exceed even the vanilla iron one.

There are three sets of really strong armor in the mod, and all of them are the armor of special forces.

Spec OPS the armor’s characteristics are one point higher than the Netherite one. Gives +5 protection against bites.

S.W.A.T. armor by 2 levels stronger than the Netherite one. Gives +5 protection against bites.

Juggernaut armor – is the king of armor. It’s almost indestructible, significantly reduces all damage and has exorbitant indicators: +20 to armor, +4 to armor hardness, +2 to pushing, +15 to bite protection and +10 to bullet protection.

But don’t rush to craft this armor – its crafting is really very expensive, complex and almost inaccessible at the initial stages of the game. For just one Juggernaut breastplate, you’ll need as many as 7 armored plates, and each of them requires 8 armored plates and one diamond to craft. And considering that you need 4 iron ingots and one block of iron to craft an armored plate… And if you remember that you’ll also need Kevlar to craft this armor, which is also extremely hard to craft… In a word, you won’t get this armor very soon, unless a miracle happens, and it falls out of your opponent.

Health and Food

With this mod, your character’s health will be seriously tested. Thanks to the added effect, regeneration now doesn’t work the way it did in vanilla Minecraft. The «Bleeding» will simply kill you before you have time to fill the hunger strip – it lasts for as long as 11 minutes, and takes half of HP heart per second. The «Poisoning», «Infection», and «Weakness» and many others effects also last much longer than usual.

What can you do then? Everything is simple. Along with the disease mechanics, the mod also reworks the treatment mechanics. When looting, you’ll find dome pills, syringes with medicines, bandages, and splints to stop bleeding. You can’t use them thoughtlessly – each item works for its own disease only. Thus, antibiotics will cure your poisoning, and bandages will help stop the bleeding.

You can craft all the healing items on the workbench, but you’ll much more often find them in various chests. Collect them, because they will save your life throughout survival.

You’ll find some items in an unusable form, for example, bloody bandages or an empty syringe from the medicine. You’ll have to interact with other items from the mod to make them suitable for treatment again.

There’s also more than enough of food in the mod. You can eat grown vegetables and meat in the way you used to, or find canned food and other new food in chests while traveling – it’s up to you.

If suddenly your canned food doesn’t open, carefully study it in the JEI tab; some mechanics require cooking canned food in the oven, some must be opened with a special can opener, and to get water into the bottle, you’ll need to disinfect it with special tablets.


To defend your base from the hordes of evil zombies, which are getting stronger every day, you’ll have to work hard to strengthen your positions. For this, the mod offers a series of different traps and fences, which will be quite difficult to overcome for both zombies and representatives of enemy clans.

The game also has the learning mechanics. To implement it, you can find books in various fields of knowledge in chests – food, medicine, survival, and electricity. Read them and learn new survival techniques in the difficult Apocalypse world.

The game also adds three types of backpacks. You can’t craft them but can only find them in the world. They work like the most ordinary backpacks, that is, they add a certain number of slots to your inventory. The number of backpacks that you can carry is limited by the number of free slots in your inventory, unless you have accompanying realistic mods.

In addition to quest or craft items, the game has a certain number of decorations as well. For example, a rubber duck, toilet paper, or a baseball ball.

Images Apocalypse Now - Post Apocalyptic Arsenal

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Download Apocalypse Now - Post Apocalyptic Arsenal

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15, 1.14.4
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apocalypsenow-3.0.4NS-forge-1.19.2 27.12.2024 forge R 9 MB 1.19.2 666 Download
apocalypsenow-3.0.4-forge-1.19.2 27.12.2024 forge R 9 MB 1.19.2 8 Download
apocalypsenow-3.0.4-forge-1.20.1 25.12.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.20.1 2 k Download
apocalypsenow-3.0.4-forge-1.19.4 25.12.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.19.4 112 Download
apocalypsenow-3.0.4-forge-1.19.2 25.12.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.19.2 10 Download
apocalypsenow-3.0.4NS-forge-1.20.1 25.12.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.20.1 22 Download
apocalypsenow-3.0.4NS-forge-1.19.4 25.12.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.19.4 1 Download
apocalypsenow-3.0.4NS-forge-1.19.2 25.12.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.19.2 2 Download
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the armor is glitched for some reason
Can this <b>MOD</b> work with any other <b>map</b>? and also generate these <b>abandoned structures</b> in that map, For eex. i downloaded city map and do structures spawn in that map too? instead of survival world.
Такая же проблема. Позже 1.16.5 структуры не спавнятся...
Project Zomboid нервно курит в сторонке
как починить сломанную ногу?
Странно у меня всё работает
А что в этом моде с броней она не проработана вообще вместо нормального вида брони какая то хрень это не доработки мода или это у меня одного так ?
уйти с оптифайна
такая же проблема и как решить хз
у меня так же
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Классный мод, мне нравится на нем играть, буду ждать дальнейших апдейтов. Но есть парочку нюансов, я думаю их можно доработать: 1) Мирные жители никак не взаимдействуют с зомби, как и наоборот. Будет круто, если зомби будут нападать на мирных жителей, как они это делают на животных, а выживальщики будут защищаться от зомби. 2) Зомби спавнятся огромной ордой прямо перед носом игрока, в чистом поле, что называется. Можно ли как-то уладить этот момент, чтобы они спавнились в зданиях? 3) За всю игру я ни разу не получил эффект заражения и прочее, указанное в описании мода. Максимум я сломал ногу, упав с высоты, но как получить заражение я так и не понял.
я не получаю сломанную ногу но получаю заражение
How to get rid of the bite effect?
why im dowload this ... sure