Animania Base for Minecraft

  • Author: Purplicious_Cow Tschipp raptorfarian RazzleberryFox
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 22.02.2021
  • Last version 1.12.2

Review Animania Base

Animania – mode for creatures changings in Minecraft world

This Animania mode modifies the appearance and behaviour of animals and adds new animals to the Minecraft world. So animals get their models, textures and animations in improved image quality. Also, this mod changes feeding and animal care — now this process has become more detailed.

Now, you should occasionally feed animals and care for them, for example, pigs need puddles with dirt, cows need straw. The thing is, they start to weaken if they’re not fed, and then the smoke particles start flying over them.

In order for animals to mate, you should arrange an appropriate environment for them, such as feeding and drinking with water, as well as the organisation of a stable with male and female animals. In the first image, you see the Frisian cows, and in the second one, - Frisian cowpictured.

All cows come from different breeds in Minecraft as they can interbreed. The developer of this mode created seven new species, such as the Angus Cow, Frisian, Hereford, Holstein, Longhorn, Highland and Jersey, which is very beautiful in appearance. So you can feed cows not only wheat, but also red and yellow-coloured flowers.

All these animals are wild, and you should feed them to tame them. For example, you should feed the cow with wheat and water. You get achievements for domesticating animals of different breeds.

To feed the animals you have tamed, you should create trough so the animals can eat and drink water when they want. You can put wheat and water in the trough too. You can create this trough from any wood as its feeder is dark colour anyways.

Cows are divided into meat and dairy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get meat from the first ones and milk from the second ones. It only means that the dairy cows will only give you regular beef, and with thoroughbreds will give you different meat. The meat from the thoroughbred cows is available for cooking and you can eat it at any time, even if you are not hungry. So when eating a thoroughbred cow chop, you will have the effect of instant second-level treatment.

In the meantime, dairy cows give milk of different kinds, and beef cows give normal milk. There are only three types of dairy cows such as Jersey, Holstein and Frisian. The other ones are meaty. However, you can only get milk from the cow that has the calf. This mode gives a little bit of realism to the appearance and behaviour of cows: now, the calf is not born immediately after crossing, but passes a certain time in the process of pregnancy — only then you can milk your cow.

The milk of thoroughbred cows allows gamers to make cheese, and you will need a cutting knife for its consumption. After this procedure, you will get a cheese wedge of the particular cow. After eating cheese, you will have the effect of instant third-level treatment.

There are different breeds of pigs now, such as Duroc, Hampshire, large white, large black, old spotted, American Yokshire breed. They eat beets, potatoes, and carrots, and you can make garbage out of these vegetables and you can put them in a trough for your pigs to eat. Also, pigs love dirt because they’re used to lying in it — it gives them comfort.

You can ride pigs too, and gamers can find truffles with them. This occurs during the process of eating grass: so you can brew different food from the truffle, such as truffle soup.

There are five breeds of chickens: Wyandotte Chicken, Rhode Island Red Chicken, Plymouth, Orpington, Leghorn. In addition to chickens, there are chickens and roosters from each breed, which can cross among themselves too, but you get chicken of a random and unknown breed.

To make your chickens lay eggs, you will need nests. Chickens need them to incubate eggs that will hatch chickens over time.

Sheeps are in a number of six breeds, such as Frisian, Suffolk, Dorperska, Dorset, Merino and Jacob. You get different wool from these sheep, which are their breeds. Sheep give milk, and sheep sometimes fight among themselves.

There are also goats and their seven breeds. So wild goats eat grass and flowers, as well as wheat and vegetables that you grow in your garden — you should not allow this. Goats are meat, milk and down. You can make useful cheese from goat’s milk.

Now, you will be able to ride horses through thewagon or horse carriage. In the carriage, you can sleep, walk and replenish your big chest for things. Also, you can place your chest there. You’ll need a thoroughbred horse that can carry heavy loads so you can carry your wagon or wagon. However, attaching the wagon and wagon to the horse is an optional procedure as you can easily move it by your own forces. But thoroughbred horses are also designed for riding without a saddle with a whip.

Also, the developer added several animals to this mode:

Hamsters live in deserts. You will need special hamster food to tame, which you can make from any seeds. You can put your tame hamster on your shoulder. Also, hamsters like to spend time in balls of different colours, after which they will spin in them.

Also, there are ferrets, hedgehog, woodcreeper, peacock, frog and toad.

This element has no dependencies.

Download Animania Base

Available for next versions: 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10
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animania-1.12.2-base- 22.02.2021 forge R 1 MB 1.12.2 232 k Download
animania-1.12.2-base- 05.01.2021 forge R 1 MB 1.12.2 2 k Download
animania-1.12.2-base- 18.12.2020 forge R 1 MB 1.12.2 2 k Download
animania-1.12.2-base- 11.09.2020 forge R 1 MB 1.12.2 2 k Download
Animania-1.12.2-1.7.3 23.10.2019 forge R 8 MB 1.12.2 2 k Download
Animania-1.12.2-1.7.2 23.09.2019 forge R 8 MB 1.12.2 2 k Download
Animania-1.12.2-1.7.1 15.09.2019 forge R 8 MB 1.12.2 2 k Download
Animania-1.12.2-1.7.0 15.09.2019 forge R 8 MB 1.12.2 2 k Download
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recomendo muito esse mod da utilidade pra muita coisa