Alex's Mobs for Minecraft

  • Author: alex1the1666
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 05.09.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Alex's Mobs

Alex's Mobs – a mod that adds a lot of vanilla-style creatures to the Minecraft game world

The Alex's Mobs mod adds more than 25 detailed and good-looking animals to the game. Some of them drop new items such as meat or leather. In addition to mobs, the mod also introduces new potions that will make the game even more exciting!

Animal Information

In order for players to learn more about each mob, the mod has the Animal Dictionary, which they can get at the beginning of the game or simply craft it. The ingredients it requires are a regular book, green dye, and any drops taken from the new animals. The Animal Dictionary contains information about the habitats of each animal, their colors, behavior, and much more. The book is written entirely in English.

Grizzly Bear – one of the new creatures in the mod

Grizzly bears live in forest biomes, which is where they can be found. They are only brown in color and can spawn either alone or with several cubs. When bears do not feel any threat, they can sit on their hind legs. They are semi-neutral creatures that will not attack you if you keep your distance from them. However, if you try to get close, they will start defending themselves. When hungry bears see a beehive, they steal honey from there, which looks great. After they finish eating, their faces get a little honey-stained.

You can prevent bears from getting aggressive by throwing them raw salmon. This will cause them to sit down on their hind legs and eat it. Another food item that can be used to feed them is a honeycomb. If you want to tame them, throw them raw salmon as soon as they finish eating. On average, they need about 4 pieces of salmon, but sometimes even this may not be enough. After taming a bear, you can ride it, or you can order it to sit or follow you. Bears have 50 health points and deal 6 damage in one hit. If you kill a Grizzly Bear, it will drop Hair of Bear.

Roadrunner and Its Features

Roadrunners can be found in deserts or near beaches. These are small dark-colored birds with white dots on their back and wings and dark blue tails. Roadrunners cannot fly, instead, they only run on the ground. One of their features is the ability to move at a very high speed on sand blocks. Roadrunners are neutral creatures with 8 health points that never attack anyone. These birds can be bred with Maggots. When killed, they drop Feathers and occasionally Roadrunner Feathers.

Rattlesnake Mob

Rattlesnakes live in deserts. They can be difficult to spot due to their coloration, which is only slightly darker than sand. These are hostile mobs who, when they feel safe, move around calmly with their bodies fully open. However, sensing danger, they curl up into a ring and begin to make characteristic sounds. Rattlesnakes should be handled with caution, as they not only damage players but also inflict a Poison effect on them for 15 seconds with each attack. Their natural enemies are the Roadrunners, who almost always kill them on sight. Rattlesnakes have 15 health points. When slain, they have a chance to drop a Rattlesnake Rattle, which can be used as an ingredient to make one of the new potions.

Gazelles – non-dangerous creatures

Gazelles are most commonly found in Savannas. These mobs are only sand-colored, and have a stripe on their sides and a short tail. Gazelles are passive creatures that usually spawn in small groups of 4-6 animals. They are very difficult to kill. If you try to attack one of them, the whole group will start fleeting at a very high speed and it will be impossible to catch up. Gazelles have 16 health points and drop Raw Mutton and Gazelle Horn when killed. Their horns can be used as an ingredient to make one of the new potions. Gazelles do not hurt anyone, all they do is walk around savannas and eat grass. They can be bred with Wheat.

Crocodiles – swamp predators

Crocodiles in this mod live in swamps, but can also be found in regular rivers. These are green and very long creatures, whose length is about 6 blocks. Crocodiles are predators and attack almost anyone they see in the water. However, sometimes they come out on land. When these creatures attack, it looks very epic. If they see prey on land, they approach it at high speed, grab it with their teeth and drag it under water, where they tear it apart and eat it. Crocodiles have 30 health points and deal a lot of damage. These mobs can lay their eggs on land. After some time, a small crocodile hatches from them. When slain, crocodiles drop Crocodile Scutes.

Flies – true saviors at night

Flies can be found in almost all biomes at night. These are dark-colored insects with red eyes and white wings. Flies have only 2 health points and can restore 1. They are indifferent to players, instead, they chase hostile mobs, including zombies and spiders. Zombies cannot attack flies and simply run away from them. Flies, in turn, never kill zombies, leaving them with 2-3 health points. With spiders, things are different. If a fly attacks them alone, the spiders will most likely kill it. When killed, flies drop Maggots, which can be used as food for many animals from the mod, such as Roadrunners.

Hummingbirds – beautiful and harmless creatures

Hummingbirds are beautiful new creatures that live in jungles and flower forests. These are small passive birds whose main job is to pollinate flowers. Hummingbirds come in three colors: green, blue, and mixed, which combine both colors. Hummingbirds fly at a very high speed, have 8 health points, and drop nothing when they die other than a bit of experience. If you hold a flower in your hand, a hummingbird can fly up to you.

Sunbird – the queen of all birds

Sometimes in the high mountains, usually at night, players can meet a unique creature, a Sunbird. These are passive mobs that do not hurt anyone and just fly above the ground. If you get close to a Sunbird, it will give you an effect called Sunbird's Blessing, which will allow you to practically fly, walk on water, be immune to fall damage, and jump high. The effect lasts for 30 seconds or as long as the character is near the Sunbird. On the other hand, if you try to attack the bird, it will apply the Sunbird's Curse effect on you. The effect greatly increases fall damage and makes it impossible for you to jump even 1 block high. Sunbirds have 20 health points and are immune to fire damage, which means they cannot burn in lava, cannot be attacked with a bow by enchanted “flaming arrows”, and take damage from anything else related to fire. When Sunbirds see hostile mobs like zombies, they set them on fire.

Gorillas – mutants from jungle biomes

Gorillas are new creatures that live deep in jungles. They can be found in small groups of 3-4 animals. Each of them has a leader, which is easy to identify by its large size and a special animation, where it beats its chest. Leaders have 100 health points, while regular gorillas have 40 health points. Gorillas eat leaves by first picking them from trees. They never lag behind their leader and follow it everywhere. If there is a cub in the group, gorillas carry it on their backs.

Gorillas are neutral creatures, and if you try to attack one of them, only the leader will fight you back, the rest will just watch. But players should be careful. Leaders deal around 20 damage and can kill them in one hit if they do not wear armor. Gorillas can be tamed by feeding them bananas. But keep in mind that if you feed only one member of the group, the rest will not treat you differently. However, if you feed them enough bananas, they will protect you from hostile mobs. Bananas are easy to find, and there is a small chance to get them by breaking jungle leaves.

Moose – some variety for taiga biomes

Moose can be found in taiga and snowy taiga. These are very large dark-colored creatures with white antlers. In addition to eating grass, moose have a distinctive activity. Sometimes they jostle each other with their antlers without causing damage. Moose are neutral creatures with 70 health points, whose main opponents are wolves. Every 5 or so days they drop Moose Antlers that players can pick up. Moose cubs do not have antlers, they appear only when they grow up.

Moose Drops Usage

Moose Antlers can be used to craft an Antler Headdress that players can put on their heads. The item will not only give them knockback abilities but also increase their armor toughness by 5 points, which is even more than what a diamond helmet has. The moose antlers’ toughness is only 0.5, though. Another advantage of the item is the ability to knock enemies back a long distance by hitting them.

Komodo Dragon – a creature that poses a danger to players

Komodo Dragons are very dangerous creatures that can be found in desert biomes. They have 40 health points and are very aggressive. They can attack and kill both other creatures and their own kind. Adult creatures often kill their babies. Besides, if a Komodo Dragon has less than half its health, it will be attacked by another Komodo Dragon. The mob can be tamed by feeding it rotten flesh. However, this will require a lot of pieces of flesh, at least 40.

Komodo Dragon Drops

Sometimes these creatures drop Komodo Dragon Spit. Players can place it in a bottle and use it later to create a new potion. More specifically, this resource allows you to make a Potion of Poison Resistance. The potion brewing process consists of two stages. The first thing you need to do is put the Komodo Dragon Spit and Cave Centipede Leg into the brewing stand. Then, after getting Poisonous Essence, add a rattle to get Potion of Poison Resistance.

Capuchin Monkeys – creatures that can be dangerous despite their cute appearance

While exploring jungles, players can come across Capuchin Monkeys. These are neutral creatures with 18 health points. It is better not to attack them, as they can easily kill you if you try to fight them without armor. Besides, if you see a group of monkeys and attack one of them, the others will also start fighting you back. Capuchin Monkeys have two attack types. They can use melee attacks or throw rocks at players from a distance. The creatures can be tamed by feeding them bananas. Tamed monkeys can follow three orders, they can lie, move around the territory at some distance from the player and follow them. In addition to that, the player can put a monkey on their shoulder. Capuchin Monkeys can be bred with Maggots, but first, they need to be tamed.

Cave Сentipede – a true thunderstorm of the underworld

Deep in the caves, players can find the Cave Centipede. It is a hostile creature with 60 health points. Its body has a slightly different structure than that of other mobs and is divided into segments. The centipede’s head has 60 health points, and its body has another 10 points. Centipede deals 8 damage with 1 bite and inflicts 8 seconds of a level 2 poison effect. When killed, it drops Cave Centipede Legs that can be used to craft leggings. By their properties, the leggings are equal to diamond ones. Wearing them gives the player the ability to climb walls the same way they climb stairs.

Cockroaches – creatures that fear centipedes

Another creature that can be found in caves is a Cockroach. This mob has only 6 health points and can run at a very high speed. The main opponents of cockroaches are centipedes. The cockroaches themselves, however, do not attack them, they only try to flee. Cockroaches avoid all light and prefer to live in caves, so if you try to put lighting near these creatures, they will immediately run away. Players can feed cockroaches with anything. Sometimes cockroaches drop Cockroach Oothecas. They are something like eggs where new cockroaches can appear. They have a 100% chance of spawning a cockroach, each ootheca makes a new small creature.

Cockroach Drops

When slain, cockroaches have a chance to drop a Cockroach Wing Fragment that can later be used to craft a Cockroach Wing. Cockroaches can be bred with Sugar. The mod adds a new item to the game, a maraca. If the player holds it in their hands, cockroaches will follow them everywhere. However, if they give a maraca to one of the cockroaches, the mob will start singing a song, while the other cockroaches nearby will dance to it. This will continue until you take the maraca from them.

Usage of Cockroach Drops

Cockroach Wings are the main ingredient for making a Potion of Bug Pheromones. The effect of one potion lasts 3 minutes. If you want to extend it to 8 minutes, add Redstone. This potion is very useful as it prevents spiders from attacking you.

Raccoons – true food thiefs

Raccoons are creatures that can be found in plains and some forests. They are neutral mobs with 20 health points. However, if you try to attack them, they may rear up and deal 4 damage to you. Raccoons have one special feature. They can boldly sneak into your chests and steal some food from there. Players can feed raccoons. To do this, they need to hold some kind of food item in their hand. This will cause the animals to approach them, stand on their hind legs, and nod their heads, thus begging for food. These animals can be bred with any food. Simply feeding a raccoon will not tame it, but players can do it by throwing it a chicken egg. In this case, the animal will start looking for water to wash the egg and eat it. When it is done, it will be tamed.

Usage of Raccoon Drops

When killed, raccoons drop a Raccoon Tail that can be used to craft the Frontiersman's Cap. The item not only improves armor but also increases the player’s crouching speed.

Seals – true sand lovers

Seals are creatures that live on the shores of some seas. They can usually be found resting on the sand, where they lie on their stomach or on their side. Seals have 20 health points and are passive mobs that never hurt anyone. They have natural opponents, Orcas. Of course, the seals do not attack them, they only try to avoid them. Orcas, in turn, do not always hunt seals. This happens mostly when they are very hungry. Players can interact with seals, but only with those of them that lie on the sand. If they feed a seal with three pieces of raw cod, it will go to the sea and try to find some item to bring back to the shore. It can be a blank map or the remains of some marine animal. These creatures can be bred with Lobster Tails.

Orca – a giant among fish

Orcas are new animals that can be found in the seas of snowy biomes. They usually spawn in small groups of 3-4 mobs. Orcas are hostile creatures who attack anyone who gets close to them, including polar bears, fish, and other mobs. Orcas are very difficult to defeat as they have 60 health points and deal a lot of damage. Besides, they can swim at very high speeds, which gives them a huge advantage. Sometimes orcas can be thrown ashore. If they do not get help in time, they will die. When killed, they do not drop anything other than a bit of experience.

Hammerhead Shark – a creature that can surprise

Hammerhead Sharks live in the seas. They are semi-neutral creatures with 40 health points. Sometimes they can attack first, not to kill the target, but just to have fun. If someone attacks a shark first, it will fight back. Keep in mind that in the water these mobs have an advantage over any opponent. Sometimes on the surface of the water, players can find teeth that sharks lose during attacks. They can be used to craft Shark Tooth Arrows that have a significant advantage over regular ones. These arrows have higher flight speed and deal more damage to underwater creatures.

Lobsters – nearly defenseless crab species

Lobsters can be found on the shores of the seas and oceans, as well as right in the water. They are semi-neutral creatures that do not attack first. If one tries to attack them, they will only deal damage once in response and become passive again. The most common species are red lobsters, while blue and yellow lobsters are seen less often. The rarest species is the half-red and half-blue lobster. Lobsters have 10 health points and drop a Lobster Tail when killed. Their tails restore 1 hunger point, but if cooked, they can restore 3 hunger points.

New Nether Creatures

Bone Serpent – fish-like creature that lives in lava

Other dimensions are also getting some new creatures. For example, in the Nether, players can come across a Bone Serpent. It has 30 health points and can only be found in lava lakes. They are fairly easy to spot as they often jump out of the lava and dive back in. Bone Serpents are hostile creatures whose main opponents are Wither Skeletons. If you kill this creature, it will drop Bone Serpent Tooth which can be used as an ingredient for a potion.

Lava Usage

Players can now store lava in bottles. Bottled lava can be used as an ingredient for Potions of Lava Vision. As the name suggests, the potion allows you to see better under lava. Another ingredient needed to create the potion is a Bone Serpent Tooth. The effect of the potion lasts 3 minutes. You can extend it by additionally placing the Redstone in the brewing stand. The potion allows players not only to see under the lava but also to dive into it while maintaining clear visibility.

Crimson Mosquitoes – especially dangerous creatures

Another creature that can be found in the Nether is Crimson Mosquitoes. These are hostile mobs with 20 health points. It is best to keep a distance from them, as they can latch onto their prey, making it impossible to push them away. These creatures first suck out the opponent's blood and then move away from them to attack them with that blood. The mobs attack anyone who gets near them. When killed, Crimson Mosquitoes drop their proboscis and have a chance to drop a Blood Sac. These items can be used to make a new weapon, the Blood Sprayer. It deals a lot of damage and allows you to shoot blood in the same way as mosquitoes at a distance of about 4-6 blocks.

Warped Toads – creatures passive to players

Crimson Mosquitoes are natural prey for Warped Toads. These creatures can be found in the Warped Forests of the Nether. They have 30 health points and are mostly neutral creatures who only attack mosquitoes. If someone attacks a toad first, it will hook them with its tongue and throw them into the lava nearby, if there is any. Toads can be tamed by feeding them Crimson Mosquito Larvae that can be made in a crafting grid. Once tamed, players can breed them with the same larvae.

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Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3
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alexsmobs-1.22.9 06.09.2024 neoForge, forge R 26 MB 1.20.1 284 k Download
alexsmobs-1.22.8 05.03.2024 forge R 26 MB 1.20.1 563 k Download
alexsmobs-1.22.7 15.12.2023 forge R 26 MB 1.20.1 234 k Download
alexsmobs-1.22.6 09.09.2023 forge R 25 MB 1.20.1 209 k Download
alexsmobs-1.22.5 30.06.2023 forge R 25 MB 1.20.1, 1.20 442 k Download
alexsmobs-1.22.4 11.06.2023 forge R 25 MB 1.20 22 k Download
alexsmobs-1.22.3 08.06.2023 forge R 25 MB 1.19.4 193 k Download
alexsmobs-1.22.2 05.04.2023 forge R 25 MB 1.19.4 134 k Download
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теперь могу воевать с медведем на кулаках а потом играть в футбол с помощью физик мод
its great :D
какую версию нужно скачать что бы этот мод работал?
грустно, что этому моду Алекс уделяет меньше времени (сейчас разраб занят модом Алекс' Кейвс), но мод всё ещё прекрасен. я притащил домой енота, как и мечтал. если в реальной жизни нельзя - сделаю в майнкрафте.
почему мод не работает на версии 1.20.1
А чо у мя мод без локализации?
When will this version be updated?
Not work guys
when will this update the version?
Is it possible to load mods or modpacks in T Launcher?
Добавьте капибар
bro this is awesome 100000000 out of 10
когда добавите дотеров?
guys how i can fix the error in this mod
plase decrase whale spawn rate
Alessandra Goulart
Minecraft But Alex's Mobs Taming Addon Animals Add-on
Тот самый фанат пятерки
Это тот самый мод, когда обычные животные страшнее толпы зомби у тебя под окном. Скачивая этот мод, будьте готовы не раз быть убитыми невероятно опасными существами под названием животные.
Почему мод не работает?
у меня таже проблема
Жаль нет инфы можно ли кормить омаров
nose que mrd pero no meja entrar