It is a very contentful RPG mod that will add a lot of different melee and long-range weapons to the game. Besides, you will have the opportunity to visit a wide variety of dimensions, where you will find new blocks and get acquainted with specific mobs. Some of these creatures can kill you, and some will be friendly. That is not the entire list of innovations, as the mod adds a lot of very interesting content.
By pressing the 'O' button, you can see the amount of resources necessary for various crafts. By pressing the 'I' button, the screen will be shown, containing the list of the skills that you can improve to become stronger. To learn more about the mod, you can press the 'DELETE' key. A small menu will open with a bestiary, a manual, and help.
In the Overworld, 6 new ore types are now generate, including rosite, limonite, jade, amethyst, runium, and sapphire. You can craft tools, swords, and other items of some of them.
Tools and a sword made of limonite have about the same characteristics as the iron ones. You can also make a rod of it, which is used in other crafts. But the most useful item is the limonite bullet, used in many weapons.
Of a rosite ingot, you can craft a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, and an axe. The damage level of the rosite sword is 7.5, and the rosite items are better than the diamond ones in terms of effectiveness. Rosite ingots are also used in some other recipes.
The amethyst sword inflicts 8.5 damage. However, the amethyst axe has only 5.5 damage points, whereas the diamond one has 9. But the pickaxe, shovel, and axe of this material are more effective than the diamond ones. You can also create the amethyst lantern, which is similar to the redstone one.
The jade sword, pickaxe, shovel, and axe are slightly worse than the amethyst ones. Thus, the jade sword's damage level is 8. A lantern can also be crafted of jade.
The damage level of the sapphire sword is 11, and the sapphire tools are more effective than any others. A sapphire lantern can also be crafted.
You should be careful because the Overworld is now filled with a variety of highly dangerous mobs. Magicke attacks from a long distance. It is very difficult to get close, as it has a staff that throws magic balls, capable of repelling players. It has just 15 health points. Its peculiar feature is that they are immune to magic. But if you constantly kill Magickes, your various skills rapidly improve. They drop various items: copper coins, coal, bones, and iron nuggets.
Bomb Carrier is a no less dangerous mob. Besides the fact that it can hit you, it also puts TNTs near you, thereby pushing you away. It has 20 health points and makes quite interesting sounds. If you kill a Bomb Holder, it may drop TNTs, gunpowder, a copper coin, and a silver coin.
There are also Cyclops with 25 health points, Goalby, Bugeye, Nightfly, Nightmare Spider, Pincher, and many other creatures. You will now need to walk carefully around the game world because all of them are very dangerous.
There are mobs that are active at night, but nothing happens to them in the morning, though. One of them is the Night Reaper. It looks like a skeleton with a scythe. It is one of the strongest creatures in the Overworld, as it has 35 health points, inflicts a lot of damage at a time, and imposes the Blindness effect with each blow. After killing a Night Reaper, it can drop torn cloth, copper coins, rotten flesh, and sometimes even scrap metal.
There are three new mobs that are most often found in caves: the Happy, Ghost, and Faceless Runner. The clown has a very powerful weapon, so you should be wary of it. You can find it by sound, which is not difficult to detect. The Happy has 20 health points, so it is better to kill it from a long distance. After that, there is a small chance that it will drop a copper coin. Its weapon, the Confetti Cannon, may also drop. Its first shot must be loaded. It also reduces movement speed when firing and has the rate of fire of about 2 shots per second.
The Ghost has 15 health points. Its characteristic feature is that he is immune to potions. That is, if you have a Potion of Strength, the damage you inflict on a Ghost will be the same as without it. After you hit a Ghost, it immediately disappears because it activates an invisibility effect for 15 seconds. But you can still hit it. After you kill it, there is a chance that it will drop scrap metal or a copper coin.
The Faceless Runner is quite an ordinary mob without super abilities, but it still can run fast. It has 25 health points. After killing it, three items may drop: a copper coin, coal, or void scales.
Some mobs rarely drop two types of seeds: tea seeds and holly top seeds. They can be planted to obtain holly top petals and tea shreddings. The holly top is a very important item, as it is used in crafting arrows. The latter are used in almost all the weapons, as the mod adds a large number of bows and other archery.
To make tea, you will need a tea sink. It is crafted from five planks of any kind, a cauldron, and one iron ingot. You need to pour water into the tea sink and then add tea shredding there. The tea does not replenish the hunger points but restores health. There are three types of tea: natural tea, ordinary tea, and mushroom tea. The most beneficial is the mushroom tea, as it restores more than half of the health points. But to have tea, you will need a cup. It is crafted from the tusks of certain mobs.
The coins are used to exchange with new merchants found all over the world. The Assassin can be found in any biome. In exchange for copper coins, he offers various throwing weapons. Thus, Hellfire burns all nearby enemies on impact, the Goo Ball slows down a target, Chakrams poison, and Vulkrams inflict 3 damage and heal the player.
You can also exchange items for copper coins. To do this, you will need to find a Naturalist. He buys different items. He can give 8 copper coins for 8 carrots. That is, he always accepts items in the amount of 8 and gives more coins for more valuable ones.
To create new types of weapons and armor, you will need a frame bench. It is in it that scrap metal is used. Of it, the frames for each weapon or armor type are crafted here, which are now a necessary component. You can now craft weapons in the Infusion Table, which is created from three blocks of obsidian, two ancient rocks, three wool pieces of any color, and any infusion stone.
To obtain an infusion stone, you will need to craft a bowl, either diamond or stone. After that, you need to find a mob called glistening pixon, which looks like a green flame. It cannot be killed but only caught with a bowl.
To craft cannons, you will need a weapon frame. In the infusion table, put this frame in a separate slot with other ingredients nearby. To craft the Boom Cannon, you will need unstable gunpowder, a lyon ingot, two iron ingots, and a grenade. But you will also need ammo for it. It is crafted from four limonite ingots, and you will get 12 at once. The Boom cannon inflicts 17.5 damage by a single shot. Its rate of fire is 0.71 rounds per second. To craft the Flower Cannon, you will need sticky slime, jade, two limonite ingots, a small green petal, a rosid root, and a dandelion. It deals 14.5 damage by one bullet, and its rate of fire is 0.86 RPS. This cannon has unique advantages: it weakens targets and inflicts more damage on armored targets. To create the Pulse Cannon, you will need 2 iron ingots, a power core, unstable gunpowder, one red druze, and one purple druze. It deals 26 damage by one shot, but its rate of fire is very low — 0.47 RPS. This cannon pushes away any enemy nearby when firing and deals extra damage to armored targets.
To craft shotguns, you will need a shotgun frame. To create the Amplifier, you will need two shyrestone ingots, enchanted gunpowder, two iron ingots, and a shyregem. Shoots five spreadshots at a time, and each shell deals 9 damage. To shoot by any shotgun, spreadshots are used. The ammo of this shotgun explodes on impact, and its rate of fire is 0.35 RPS. The simplest version of a shotgun is the Brown Blaster. To craft it, you will need a spreadshot, gunpowder, an iron ingot, and leather. It shoots 3 shells at a time, and each shell deals 6 damage. Its rate of fire is 0.37 RPS. To create the Red Rocked shotgun, you will need gunpowder, a blazium ingot, an iron ingot, and two baronyte ingots. It shoots two shells at a time, and each of them deals ca 11.5 damage. Its rate of fire of 0.38 RPS. The damage level depends not only on the weapon's power but also on the firing range. The farther a target is, the less damage will be. This is true of all the shotguns.
Sniper rifles cause maximum of damage. Besides, if you sit down, the sight will be shown — this is necessary to stabilize your barrel. Metal bullets are used for shooting by the sniper rifles. To craft the Bayonette SR, you will need gunpowder, an amethyst, an iron sword, mushroom spores, and two mystite ingots. Besides the fact that this weapon can be fired, it can also be used as a sword, thereby inflicting 8 damage. The rate of fire of this weapon is 0.23 RPS, and the damage level of one bullet is 33. To create the Bolt Rifle, you will need four iron ingots, two planks of any kind, a sapphire, and gunpowder. It deals 30 damage per shot and has a rate of fire of 0.2 RPS. This rifle also has a sight. If it is not used, no damage is done to the targets. The Clown Cracker deals 33.5 damage per shot, and its rate of fire is 0.23 RPS. To craft such a sniper weapon, you will need paper, two limonite ingots, an iron ingot, a diamond, and two confetti piles.
Besides the weapons, the infusion table allows one to craft armor. Their types are numerous, and each of them has distinctive features in the form of certain additional effects. The Battleborn Armor is better than the diamond one. Moreover, when you attack, it will increase the speed of your shot or sword strike. The chestplate adds 9 armor, helmet 5 armor, leggings 8 armor, and boots 4 armor. To craft this armor, you will need redstone, bloodstone, darkly powder, armor platings, and padded or reinforced cloths.
The Boreic Armor explodes when in contact with the water. Each piece thereof increases the damage and the range of the explosion. If you put on the whole armor set, it will briefly stun an enemy after the explosion. The Boreic helmet adds 4 armor, chestplate 10, leggings 8, and boots 4. To craft such armor, you will need one TNT, void scales, reinforced or padded cloths, armor platings, and a coral stone.
Deep in a mine, you can find a Ruined Teleporter Frame, which consists of the ancient rocks. A Corrupted Traveler always stands near it. If you give him food, he will give you an indispensable book. In it, he tells his story of how he tried to open the portal. After you close the book, a new item will appear in the inventory — a Blank Realmstone — which is needed to move to other dimensions.
To activate the portal, you will need 5 different runes, one of which is already in the portal. So, you will need the Carved Rune of Travel, the Carved Rune of Reality, the Carved Rune of Space, and the Carved Rune of Direction. Build a frame of the blackened stones, which should be 6 blocks in height. Build a frame of blackened stones, 6 blocks in height. Insert a Carved Rune of Power in the center of the frame's base. This is the main point. That traveler has scattered 4 runes everywhere in dungeons and temples to prevent anyone from releasing the horrors from inside again. The fifth rune must be created manually from unpowered runes, an Eye of Ender, and an ancient rock. An unpowered rune is crafted of a runium chunk.
Having obtained 4 runes and created a Rune of Power, you can activate the portal. You will need to insert 4 runes at the edges and the rune of power in the center of the portal's lower part. Now, to go to some dimension, you will need to activate the realmstone. To see which dimensions you can travel, you need to pick up the blank realmstone and click RMB.
You can initially get to 4 dimensions: the Nether, Deeplands, Precasia, and Creeponia. To get to the Nether, you need to activate the blank realmstone. To do this, you need to throw it while diving into lava. That is, you need to get completely immersed in lava, but when you are still alive, throw the stone, and it will activate.
To get to the Creeponia dimension, you need to create the Creeponia Realmtone. You will have to complete the following task for this: to survive a creeper's explosion with a flashing TNT nearby.
To travel to Precasia, you will need the Precasia Realmstone. To get it, you will have to complete quite a simple task: to combine the Blank Realmstone with each sapling of the Overworld using crafting.
You can get the Deeplands Realmstone quite easily. You will just need to extract an ore block below the bedrock.
To get the Lelyetia Realmstone, you will need to fall from a height of at least 26 blocks. You will get the stone even if you die. Lelyetia mainly consists of woods, mainly cherry and apple. The dimension is upside down, and if you find small trenches, you will see that below it is identical to what is at the top, like in a mirror. On each tree, at the highest point, there are Lelyetian blocks.
This dimension is inhabited by unique mobs. The Flye is a hostile mob that can be both on the ground and in the air. It inflicts 6 damage points with one blow and has 50 health points. The Lelyetian Warrior is very strong, deals a lot of damage, and has 55 health points. You can also encounter the Tracker and the Caster.
From Lelyetia, you can get to two other dimensions. For this, you will need to complete tasks there to get an appropriate realmstone. To get the Haven Realmsone, you will have to kill Flyes in close combat while being high on the Lelyetian mountains. To get the Celeve Realmstone, you will need to kill a Happy with a Lelyetian Greatblade. You can find these clowns in the Overworld.
Once you get to the Celeve dimension, you can notice that there are some mushroom-shaped trees around, which can be of different colors — red, green, yellow, and purple. Besides, there are celevians growing everywhere on the grass.
In this dimension, you need to be careful, as there are clowns at every step. They are different but strong enough in any case. Bobo the clown has a blue color, red eyes, and long arms. He is among the strongest clowns, as he has 95 health points. Chocko the clown is dark pink. He is the weakest of all and has only 80 health points. The clowns also differ in terms of sound. Some of them yell, and some play their instruments. Sticky the clown is yellowish and average in strength. It has 85 health points.
To get to the next dimension, you will have to visit Haven. It consists of forests, mainly of purple, turquoise, red, pink, blue, and yellow trees. On the ground, there are mainly pink, yellow, and blue daylooms, along with yellow and blue havendales.
Haven can boast a large number of new mobs, and all of them are hostile. The Angelica is a creature that can fly and has a special ability — it is immune to any potions. It has 84 health points. The Automaton can be of 5 colors: red, yellow, blue, green, and purple. It attacks like a goblin and has 108 health points. You can also encounter the Rainikorn, which is similar to a pony, and the Surveyor.
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