There are different ways to get resources in Minecraft. So, if on the server you see a rapidly developing player who has already found diamonds from the very first seconds, highly likely that he’s not quite «honest». Many projects allow to log in with different launchers, respectively, the player can also install different mods. One of the «cheating» mods is still Advanced X Ray, which enables you to literally scan through the map and shows specific ores, blocks, items, and so on. This is probably the fastest way to find the necessary dungeons, resources, and particular locations in the game.
In this article, we’ll tell you a little about the features of the Advanced XRay mod, as well as about the right way to use it, about the default control keys, and the effective way to search for different types of resources. You’ve probably heard about such a thing as «X RAY». This is what actually Advanced XRay is. There are other additions based on this mod, but the principle is the same everywhere: X-ray scanning of the territory and detection of certain resources to immediately see what you were looking for. A large number of parameters, the ability to configure hotkeys, fast and efficient mod operation…
The main task of Advanced X Ray is to search for any kind of resources, blocks, items, as well as a full-fledged scanning of the territory. You’ll be able to look through walls, blocks, different dungeons, scan through any dimension, fly in the «observer» mode to understand where the resources are located (but this subject to the administrator access). The operating principle is incredibly simple here:
· Press the Z key to open the configuration menu. Here, you can see the keys assigned for enabling and disabling Advanced X Ray. If you want to reassign them, just click on the item and press the key to replace the previous option;
· Next, press the key to proceed to the settings menu for ore search. There can be several blocks added here by default. In the Add section, you can quickly select the option you need;
· You’ll see another window where you search for a required block; then, click on it to add it to the common database;
· In the next window, you need to choose the outline color (this is the color for displaying each block in Advanced XRay, so choose the one that stands out from the rest);
· Now, click Add again and add the block to the common list. If you want the rest of the materials not to be displayed, then click on each of them so that the Disable sign appears next to them;
· Done? In our example, we have only the polished diorite here. Now, exit this menu and press the key to activate ore viewing in Advanced XRay mode;
· Let’s look around and see the highlighted blocks. These are our ores or any other blocks that the player needs. All you need to do now is to go and get, working with a pickaxe.
One way or another, you’ll still have to work with a pickaxe to cut a way to the blocks, get them, and approach the selected depth correctly. Here, different dangers can wait for the player: hostile mobs, lava, falling from a height; so be careful, since the activated Advanced XRay mode overlaps the main visibility and is very different from standard survival. In general, we recommend activating and deactivating the mod with hot keys from time to time to move around the mine and collect resources faster.
With such a tool, you can find different types of resources at any time, both from the vanilla game version and from third-party mods, if they add new materials or blocks. You should also keep in mind that diamond ore and diamond deep shale are different. The latter is rarer, but for X-Raying, it’s recommended to use both tabs so as not to accidentally miss diamonds. The same applies to coal ore and other options. In general, deep ores are more valuable, since it is ten times more difficult to find them. Some server players will be happy to pay stacks of diamonds for such blocks.
You should also understand that many projects may have special radars installed to determine which mods the player logs in to the server with. If the server administrators suspect you of cheating and then see a connection with Advanced XRay in the logs, they’ll most likely punish you up to a permanent ban. Therefore, you need to accept all the risks or log in only to those Minecraft projects that allow to play with such a mod pack. In the comments, you can write whether any of you have played with Advanced XRay or similar add-ons, which options you use most often, which ores you prefer to search for, and why the functionality was useful for you.
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