RealisCraft for Minecraft

  • Author: danchikos_swaggy
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 27.08.2019
  • Last version 1.12.2

Review RealisCraft


No longer satisfied with the appearance of the game world, tired of square blocks, and want more realism? Then we suggest you install the RealisCraft modpack for Minecraft 1.12.2, which will help you to fix this situation. It includes many add-ons aimed at diversifying the game world and making it more dynamic. It will add numerous animations — for example, the main character will have more actions when interacting with the environment. Besides, the modpack is quite popular in its category and can boast more than two million downloads from the official web page. So it is proven and should have no bugs — all because all its add-ons are perfectly compatible. Believe us, you have never seen such a realistic and diverse game world.

Main Menu

The first change to notice when launching the game after installing this modpack is related to the main menu. Instead of the game title, you will see the name of the modpack in a beautiful font — RealisCraft. Nothing suggests here of a square world, and everything is done in a realistic style. A colorful landscape is depicted in the background, but it is not well visible, as the designer has decided to hide the image so that you cannot fully understand what awaits you in the game world. So feel free to create a world and start exploring it to discover all the changes and innovations.

In-Game Terrain

There is practically nothing left of the vanilla terrain here, so you will have to get used to the new game world. The fact is that the modpack brings incredible realism to the game when the blocks become not as square as before. Not all the blocks have changed, though, but only the naturally generated ones. They include the blocks of grass, dirt, and stone, as well as ores, andesite, and other rocks. Even though only a small number of the blocks have been affected, they are the main component of the game world, so the entire terrain will look different. You will see beautiful mountains of various heights, caves, hills, and much more, and all this will not be square as in the vanilla Minecraft.

Diversified Game World

You will now be able to explore a large number of new biomes in which new mobs live and new plants and structures generate. They include terracotta plains and new types of steppes. The new structures are also quite frequently found — for example, a beautiful marble fountain and a huge closed premise full of secrets. These are just a small portion of the list, so be sure to travel across the game world to see more structures.

New Animals and Their Behavior

The modpack not only adds new animals but also reworks the vanilla mobs, making them more diverse and realistic. The game world will be greatly diversified. All because any mob now has several random textures. As for the realism, the animals will now need to regularly eat and drink water. You will see a small icon above each of them, indicating whether it is hungry or thirsty. And if you aim at a particular mob, you will see detailed information about it, including its health points, hunger level, and more. The new hostile mobs are no less interesting — there are even bosses among them, such as the crimson praetor. So explore the world and look for new mobs — but do not forget that many of them are hostile.

Character's Animation and Other Features

You will move more realistically while performing various activities. The main character has acquired a large number of animations. So it will not be as static as before. When it is active, all the parts of its body will be more animated. Thus, when running, its arms and legs will move as in reality. But these are not all the features related to your character. The modpack complicates survival, as, besides the fact that you will need to eat, you will also need to look for water to drink. Moreover, you will burn in deserts or other very hot biomes. To protect yourself, you will need to craft a heat-resistant armor.

The modpack includes such popular add-ons as Thaumcraft and Botania, which add diverse magic and the possibility of performing rituals. So if you have long been looking for a modpack that would bring global changes to the game world, here it is. It is perfect not only for experienced players but also for beginners, as it can boast many useful functions.

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Available for next versions: 1.12.2
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1.0.0 27.08.2019 forge B 2 MB 1.12.2 2 mln Download
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Оптимизация для ****** хахаахахах. У меня RTX2060SUPER, i510400f и выделено на майн 16 из 32 гигов оперативки. Итог: 30фпс на быстрой графике. Вывод: сборка ****
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This IS not RealisCraft But Its WeirdCraft ;-;
это реалистично но не так
me vendria jenial el modpack
fggggg pppppp