Dragons, dungeons, space shuttles... What could that mean, and what can one expect from such a build? In fact, it can boast about 300 mods that change Minecraft beyond recognition and offers users a whole new type of content with exciting battles, unique mobs, items, a storyline, and other features. It is one of the few modpacks where you can follow the plot long and hard, interacting with different mobs and NPCs, as the number of its quests has long exceeded 1,700.
Looking for a great modpack for yourself or friends to play for a few weeks or even months? Then a build called Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles to be considered in this material will perfectly suit you. Numerous dangers in all the dimensions, a large selection of new biomes, different types of dragons, spaceships, large-scale battles, valuable and decent rewards, and other interesting content await you. The latter, by the way, has been created for 20 months and is currently finished, although the pack continues to be periodically updated and supplemented.
The developers have added about 300 different mods to this pack, but not in a chaotic manner. These are quite balanced add-ons that are perfectly compatible and even partly complement each other in terms of content. At the same time, most of the recipes and default configurations have been changed by the developers of Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles, a lot of new content appeared, and the mechanics of survival and interaction slightly changed.
Generally speaking, the modpack contains a huge number of magic-related and technology mods, so you will have to constantly interact with different mechanisms, potions, and magic spells. In this regard, each player decides which way to proceed for themselves: to develop technologically or magically. The abundance of content allows you to solve any problem in different ways. Thus, you can move using a special transport, but if there is magic, why create something? It is enough to brew potions and prepare special books.
The mechanisms available in the Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles modpack can only be created in special workbenches (5x5, 9x9), which implies completely different gameplay mechanics that you have not seen before. There is a lot of content to explore, more than 1,700 quests, and a constantly evolving storyline. While solving such a huge number of tasks, the player will visit all the important locations, learn most of the mods and their functionality, be able to craft all the items, and get the maximum of gameplay pleasure.
While reviewing modpacks, we try to describe at least some of the mods of a build, but you should keep in mind that it contains more than 300 add-ons, and this number is constantly changing, depending on the version.
· BetterFPS is one of the most important mods for Minecraft, which allows you to significantly increase the FPS rate in a build, regardless of the specs of your PC and other circumstances;
· Applied Energistics 2 is a global mod that adds various items and blocks for energy conversion. It is among the most popular technology mods for Minecraft.
· Chest Transporter allows one to quickly transport resources and items in boxes over long distances using minecarts.
· Architecture Craft adds new construction elements to the game. While previously they were mainly blocks, steps, and some other options, now you can craft cylinders, various cones, spheres, and much more. Not only the aesthetical side of structures will change, though, but also their physics.
· Dank Null increases the inventory of all types. If, for example, you don't like the number of objects stored in one stack, using this mod, you can fix this situation by putting much more resources in the cells. Besides, you can hide them in shulker boxes.
· Mekanism Ore provides a new way of processing different types of ores in Minecraft with unique interaction mechanics, physics, and gameplay.
· Furniture is a global and one of the best furniture-related mods in the cubic world. Its content is similar to real prototypes, has a large number of variations, and fits perfectly into the interior of any house or structure.
· Pam's Harvestcraft. Lacking plant species and seeds? This mod will expand the potential of farming by adding about 60 different types of crops and trees. Besides, it brings about 1100 different food types to Minecraft.
· Hunting Dimension provides a new dimension that allows you to hunt different mobs. So if you are a thrill seeker and want to try something new, relying on a good armor and support from allies, it's time to build a portal to it.
· Storage Drawers is another mod that adds different types of furniture to the cubic world. However, it is quite unpretentious and as close to the vanilla cubic style of Minecraft as possible.
· Twilight Forest adds different bosses, new biomes, locations, a wide range of items and blocks, and completely different dimensions. It is one of the largest mods in the build.
· An elaborate and universal quest system with ca 1750 quests for now and new ones constantly appearing;
· Rewards for each task solved, including both not particularly remarkable and very valuable, generous, and important for any player;
· A complex but adjustable system of satisfying one's hunger brought by the Pam's Harvestcraft mod;
· A completely different approach to animal breeding implemented by the Animania mod;
· A huge selection of add-ons related to magic and technology allowing the player to develop in a direction they are most interested in;
· Unique mods by the modpack's developers that support a large number of languages;
· A huge range of new dimensions where you can fight bosses and get new types of items, equipment, and blocks;
· Massive battles with dragons and a lot of related content;
· The possibility of building airships and using jetpacks;
· Taming of cyclops and dragons;
· Construction and use of a metro system;
· A balanced build that can be launched on most PCs (however, at least 6 GB of RAM is recommended for its stable operation, as the abundance of mods does not allow one to play on weak PCs).
As you can see, the potential of the Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles modpack is broad, and that is just a small portion of what will be available to you. Generally speaking, it can boast very diverse but complementary additions. The advantage of the build is that its developers did not just collect everything in one place but optimized each mod, provided all the configuration files, and added quests so that the player could get used to the pack faster, interact with different types of content, could play both in single mode and in multiplayer, and just enjoy the gameplay.
Any user will find something to do in this pack, be they a lover of mining, an avid PvP player, a builder, a traveler, and so on. The presence of 300 mods makes the Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles modpack suitable for almost all players. However, it is more interesting to play it in a team when everyone has a specific goal or in a competitive mode.
A built-in help system will allow you to get used to the crafting faster, while quests will tell you everything about the environment, different NPCs, bosses, and show all locations and biomes. It remains only to download the modpack, try it, leave a comment below, and just enjoy the gameplay. If you have any questions about the add-ons or content, feel free to ask them below, as there are a large number of Minecraft users on our website who will tell and show you how and what to do in the game at any time.
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