Ethad Stadium for Minecraft

  • Author: vikobt6
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 27.01.2023
  • Last version 1.17.1

Review Ethad Stadium

Ethad Stadium

The potential of Minecraft is almost unlimited, and the user can recreate almost any object in it, both scaled down and in full size. There are a large number of maps the designers of which create different types of cities, parks, sports grounds, and stadiums. However, the latter are, in most cases, just pale imitations without a clear and elaborate structure, major details, and other elements. That is why we recommend you download a map called Ethad Stadium, which is a large-scale and cool stadium option with numerous elaborate details and noteworthy features. If you lack such a structure for your city, this is another reason to read our overview attentively.

Overview of the Ethad Stadium Map

The stadium is huge, which immediately catches one's eye. It is one of the few sports buildings properly implemented in Minecraft, although it has a relatively small number of downloads, given it was uploaded only in 2023. It is a football stadium featuring a huge number of seating stands, gates, markings, and green colorful grass. It is located in a flat Minecraft world, so if you wish to copy it, you can do it in a couple of clicks, using special mods for this, say, Litematica, with which you can transfer circuits from one map to another, complementing your city or environment.

The structure on the Ethad Stadium map is made in blue shades, which perfectly match the green lawn. The field is properly marked. Thus, its middle, gates, corner zones, and other important sections necessary for a convenient and fair football game are visible. So if you have not yet tried installing football-related mods for Minecraft, be sure to check it. The stadium from this save will allow you to hold matches, play with friends, and lead your tournament grid. Moreover, if you play on a server, you can get your own fan team to add even more interest to the project, right?

The stadium is huge, so it is better to use the elytra to explore it. It occupies a few dozen chunks, so their loading may be not that fast on weak PCs. However, not as many blocks have been used here as you might think. Thus, it is partially covered with glass, special crossbars, and transitions from above to create a particular exterior. So we can say that it is not just an oval structure but a true masterpiece faithful to all the canons of architecture and design. Its stands feature inscriptions, both small and really huge. Perhaps the designer has been inspired by some real-life teams to remind of them in Minecraft and has done a great job.

There are also several utility rooms and different passages under the stands, but they are not decorated in any way and are without lighting, so a large number of hostile mobs will spawn there. So if you are going to play on this map, we recommend that you add more lighting because, at night, there will be a lot of creatures that can not only kill players but also blow up the stadium itself when it comes to the creepers. As for servers, it will be enough to adjust the World Guard settings and disable the damage from explosions and the spread of fire so that the wool blocks located throughout the area do not burn down.

On the Ethad Stadium map, there are even several villagers running around the grass. If you install mods adding NPCs, you will be able to make your own football team, but you will have to thoroughly configure each of them to be able to organize a kind of match. However, there are mods, say, Football Mod, which allow you to hold matches in Minecraft, kick a ball, and keep statistics. The ball is crafted from wool and looks like a round block that will roll on the surface. If you would like to diversify the gameplay on a server or try something new, such mods will perfectly suit you — especially since they are available not only for the PC version of the game but also for Android.

As you can see, the potential of the Ethad Stadium map is broad, even though it virtually features a sole structure. You can always modify it, make the lighting better, add some interior details, improve the design, and work out the interior. However, for a full-fledged football match, you will have to install extra mods, as the vanilla version of Minecraft does not provide such an opportunity. If you liked such a sports-themed map, be sure to leave your feedback, and we will readily add even more overviews of various fan projects, which you can enjoy along with Ethad Stadium.

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Download Ethad Stadium

Available for next versions: 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.16, 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15, 1.14.4
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Etihad Stadium By VikoBt6 28.01.2023 ANY R 7 MB 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.16, 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15, 1.14.4 1 k Download
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